

Using the "Abstractions List" we did a little creative writing by choosing one of the words off the list and writing a short dramatic scene attempting to illustrate or demonstrate that abstraction, including the use of dialogue. We only spent about 20 minutes on this then I collected it. It will be in your writing folder and we will return to it again.

HW: Read "The War is Over..." article and respond in writing to the following: 1) What do you think of this guy? 2) If you were stranded somewhere and had to survive on your own in the jungle, what 5 things would you most want to have with you and why?

AP Lit:
We went over the practice multiple choice selection that I handed out on Thursday. Overall, each class did a pretty good job of coming to consensus on correct answers.

HW: For Monday read "Young Goodman Brown" (in your anthology) and take notes on symbols and their meanings, lines with double meanings, and whether you think it is also an allegory.

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