
"A" day -- 10/30/08

Period 1: Freshmen
SSR then OMAM movie.

Period 5: AP Lit.
Discussion of "A Modest Proposal", some satire terms, a few articles on Voltaire and an intro. to Candide. We even had a few minutes to read chapter 1 together.
HW: Read half of Candide by Monday, be finished by Wednesday. Be noting thoughts about discussion questions as you read.

Period 7: Shakespeare
You should have showed Mrs. Peterson a rough draft of your movie review and began work on your Lady Macbeth rough draft (would Macbeth have gone through with any of it if it weren't for Lady Macbeth?). I also handed back Macbeth tests and printed grades. Make sure you are getting your rough drafts completed...they are worth a lot of points.


"B" day-- 10/29/08

Periods 2 & 4: Freshmen
Of Mice and Men test.
Began the movie...(except in period 2 we didn't get to the movie because of the fire drill.)

Period 8: AP Lit.
"A Hunger Artist" is really about... the artistic drive, spiritual self vs. physical self, thirst for attention, fame and celebrity, societal fads, loss of interest in religion, self-loathing and alienation, selfless vs. selfish martyrdom... Or, a weird guy in a cage? We also read a brief biography of Kafka--the frustrated/depressed artist-- and did a little psychoanalytic criticism of his story.
HW: Read "A Modest Proposal" and come ready to discuss the questions.

"A" day-- 10/28/08

Period 1: Freshmen
Of Mice and Men Test! Woo-hoo!
Began watching OMAM film, too.

Period 5: AP Lit.
"A Hunger Artist" is really about... the artistic drive, spiritual self vs. physical self, thirst for attention, fame and celebrity, societal fads, loss of interest in religion, self-loathing and alienation... Or, a weird guy in a cage? We also read a brief biography of Kafka--the frustrated/depressed artist-- and did a little psychoanalytic criticism of his story.
HW: Read "A Modest Proposal" and come ready to discuss the questions.

Period 7: Shakespeare
Watched oddly animated rendition of Macbeth. Looked at review of "Max Payne" for inspiration. Began writing essay/review of animated Macbeth-- does it, can it, work as a cartoon? Did you like it? Dislike it? Why? Why not, etc?
HW: Complete rough draft of essay to work with in class on Thursday.

"B" day -- 10/27/08

Periods 2 &4: Freshmen
SSR, discussion of OMAM Ch. 5 & 6 study guide, and review for test . Test will cover vocabulary, idioms, major themes and will be next class: Wednesday 10/29!

Period 5: AP Lit.
Some notes and thoughts about symbolism and allegory. Discussion in groups about the symbolism of "Young Goodman Brown" and whether or not it functions as an allegory...not sure we reached a consensus, but great thinking.

Homework: Read "A Hunger Artist" by Franz Kafka try to complete this idea: "A Hunger Artist" is really about...


Conferences 10/24/08

Thanks so much to those of you who took the time to come to conferences. It's always so nice to meet parents and talk with kids in a "non-class" setting.

For anyone who was unable to make it to conferences, you can always check in with me via e-mail, a phone call to the school, or you can check grades using Parent Assist. Or, you could certainly leave a comment on the blog, too.

I hope everyone has a great weekend. Keep your eyes peeled for extra-credit opportunity #4...


"A" day - 10/23/08

Period 1: Freshmen
SSR, discussion of OMAM Ch. 5 & 6 study guide, review of test . Test will cover vocabulary, idioms, historical context and major themes and will be next class: Tuesday 10/28!

Period 5: AP Lit.
Senior Portfolio syllabus (That's right, I have done my English teacher duty once again...)

Thanks for sharing your ideas about "Gorilla, My Love"! Some notes and thoughts about symbolism and allegory. Discussion in groups about the symbolism of "Young Goodman Brown" and whether or not it functions as an allegory...not sure we reached a consensus. Homework: read "A Hunger Artist" by Franz Kafka try to complete this idea: "A Hunger Artist" is really about...

Period 7: Shakespeare
Macbeth Test! Woo-hoo!

"B" day-- 10/22/08

Periods 2 & 4: English 9
Today we finished reading Of Mice and Men, and (hopefully) were saddened by the conclusion. Poor Lennie. Poor George. Poor Curley's wife. Poor puppy. Study guide for chapters 5 &6 should be completed for next period.

Period 8: AP Lit.
Read "Gorilla, My Love" and wrote an in-class (AP Test style) essay in which you compare this story with Catcher in the Rye. Hopefully, as listed on the whiteboard, you were analytical, creative and offered specific support. This was due by the end of the period.

"A" day - 10/21/08

I was out of the building today at a meeting. Thanks for being so kind to the sub who was here in my place.

Period 1: English 9
Today you finished reading Of Mice and Men, and (hopefully) were saddened by the conclusion. Poor Lennie. Poor George. Poor Curley's wife. Poor puppy. Study guide for chapters 5 &6 should be completed for next period.

Period 5: AP Lit.
Today you were asked to read "Gorilla, My Love" and write an in-class (AP Test style) essay in which you compare this story with Catcher in the Rye. You should have been analytical, creative and offered specific support. This was due by the end of the period.

Period 7: Shakespeare
Finished the film, and received the study guide for Macbeth test. Use the review and be ready for test on Thursday!

"B" day-- 10/20/08

Periods 2 & 4: Freshmen

Read Chapter 4 OMAM and work on study guide. Prepare for a vocabulary quiz next week!

Period 8: AP Lit.

Students turned in Alientation essays and metacognitives and we had a final culminating discussion of Catcher. Thanks for all your great ideas and comments. It's so much fun to hear the interesting insights and observations.

"A" day - 10/16/08

Period 1: Freshmen
Read Chapter 4 OMAM and work on study guide. Prepare for a vocabulary quiz next week!

Period 5: AP Lit.
Students turned in Alientation essays and metacognitives and we had a final culminating discussion of Catcher. Thanks for all your great ideas and comments. It's so much fun to hear the interesting insights and observations.

Period 7: Shakespeare
We finished the very last scene of Macbeth and continued watching the film.


Extra Credit #3

So, I'm switching things up a little bit here. Can you handle it? These points can be earned until 4:00 pm next Thursday, October 23rd.

If you are a FRESHMAN in Mrs. Peterson's class, email your thoughtful and complete answer to the following question to Mrs. Peterson to collect your points!

In Chapter 3 of Of Mice and Men, what is the purpose of the conversation between Whit and Slim about Bill Tenner's letter being published in the magazine? In other words, why would Steinbeck include that little episode in the story? What does it add?
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

If you are a JUNIOR or SENIOR in Mrs. Peterson's class, complete the following task for your extra credit points.

Go to and take the "Murderous Monarchs quiz." Then, send me an email in which you: list the monarchs from the quiz, one interesting (or disturbing) fact about each and the score you received. (I only scored 4 out of 10...)

Happy Extra Credit-ing!

"B" day - 10/15/08

Periods 2&4: Freshmen
No SSR today because of the Late Start schedule. Instead, we spent a few minutes discussing the interesting menagerie of characters we met in chapter 2 of Of Mice and Men. We then began reading Chapter 3 together, but didn't quite get through all of it. Homework is to complete as much of the Ch. 3 study guide as possible; we'll finish up the reading of Chapter 3 next class...(watch out Curley!)

Period 8: AP Lit.
Students had the period to revise papers and offer feedback to other students. As well, I handed out an explanation of metacognition and the metacognitive response. You will need to complete a metacognitive response to hand in with the final draft of every formal paper we write this year, so keep this handout. Monday, we will have a giant culminating discussion of Catcher.

"A" day - 10/14/08

Period 1: Freshmen
After SSR, we spent a few minutes discussing the interesting menagerie of characters we met in chapter 2 of Of Mice and Men. We then began reading Chapter 3 together, but didn't quite get through all of it. Homework is to complete as much of the Ch. 3 study guide as possible; we'll finish up the reading of Chapter 3 next class...(watch out Curley!)

Period 5: AP Lit.
After some interesting stories shared, (mostly about Max injuring himself), students had the rest of the period to revise papers and offer feedback to other students. As well, I handed out an explanation of metacognition and the metacognitive response. You will need to complete a metacognitive response to hand in with the final draft of every formal paper we write this year, so keep this handout. Thursday, we will have a giant culminating discussion of Catcher.

Period 7: Shakespeare
We need to finish up Macbeth, so we powered through reading most of Act 5...only one scene left to read on Thursday as Macduuuuff and Macbeth finally face off...duh, duh, duh!

"B" day- 10/13/08

We were on a PM Assembly schedule today, for the Homecoming assembly, so all classes were cut a few minutes shorter than normal...

Periods 2&4: Freshmen
After SSR, we spent a few minutes discussing and reviewing chapter 1 of Of Mice and Men. The new assignment was to read chapter 2 and complete the study guide. Homework is to finish up whatever you didn't get done in class.

Period 8: AP Lit.
I handed out essay guidelines, tips and the scoring guide I will be using to grade your essays this year, including the essay on alienation which is due next week (rough draft in class on Wednesday, final by Monday). Unfortunately, we didn't really have time to get into another discussion about Holden and his odd views of Jesus, his proclivity for yelling and his general increasing frustration and malaise about life.


"A" day - 10/9/08

Period 1: Freshmen
SSR, then we spent a few minutes discussing and reviewing chapter 1 of Of Mice and Men. The new assignment was to read chapter 2 and complete the study guide. Homework is to finish up whatever you didn't get done in class.

Period 5: AP Lit.
I handed out essay guidelines, tips and the scoring guide I will be using to grade your essays this year, including the essay on alienation which is due next week (rough draft in class on Tuesday, final by Thursday). After that, we had a bit of time to get into another discussion about Holden and his odd views of Jesus, his proclivity for yelling and his general increasing frustration and malaise about life. What a phony!

Period 7: Shakespeare
I collected your news story accounts of Macbeth events. Then the class had time to read 4.3 and answer some questions about the end of this Act. Questions are due next class period, if you didn't finish them during class time.

"B" day -- 10/8/08

Periods 2&4: Freshmen
SSR, then a few students shared some of their descriptive writing homework. (Thanks!) We then read Chapter 1 in Of Mice and Men. Homework is to finish up the Chapter 1 study guide by Thursday.

Period 8: AP Lit.
Anyone want to share their modern-day Holden writing? (Thanks, Karen, Audrey and Vanessa. Very funny.) Then we read "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" and discussed how it could be related to Catcher. Then we discussed thoughts, questions, insights and observations from the Catcher reading. Assigned alienation essay. Rough draft due in class on Tuesday 10/15, final draft due 10/20.


"A" day - 10/7/08

Period 1: Freshmen
SSR, then a few students shared some of their descriptive writing homework. (Thanks!) We then read Chapter 1 in Of Mice and Men. Homework is to finish up the Chapter 1 study guide by Thursday.

Period 5: AP Lit.
Anyone want to share their modern-day Holden writing? (Thanks, Joel. Hilarity.) Then we read "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" and discussed how it could be related to Catcher. Then we discussed thoughts, questions, insights and observations from the Catcher reading. Assigned alienation essay. Rough draft due in class on Tuesday 10/14, final draft due 10/16.

Period 7: Shakespeare
We read Act 4, scenes 1 and 2. Time to work on and update golden lines and contradictions. News story assignment: choose an event or episode from the play and rewrite it like a newspaper article. Be sure you include (you will be graded on): a catchy headline, an interesting lead/intro., descriptive and accurate retelling of the facts and details, correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc. Due on Thursday!

"B" day - 10/6/08

Periods 2 & 4: Freshmen
We began class with a brief quiz over the homework, then SSR. We then took a look at the narrative quickwrites from last week and the sensory language from the first two pages of Of Mice and Men and worked on a bit of revision. Thanks to all those who shared their creativity with the class. Then we wrote a few more descriptive quickwrites: best friend and person you don't like so much. Homework is to write a minimum of one page describing a difficult situation you've been in with another person.

Period 8: AP Lit.
Thanks to Mr. Fobert for the Catcher movie montage. Then we had a brief discussion of some golden lines. Homework is to write the "Modern-day Holden" assignment and continue with the reading (through Ch. 17 for Wednesday).


"A" day - 10/3/08

Period 1: Freshmen
We began class with a brief quiz over the homework, then SSR. We then took a look at the narrative quickwrites from last week and the sensory language from the first two pages of Of Mice and Men and worked on a bit of revision. Thanks to all those who shared their creativity with the class. Then we wrote a few more descriptive quickwrites: best friend and person you don't like so much. Homework is to write a minimum of one page describing a difficult situation you've been in with another person.

Period 5: AP Lit.
Thanks to Mr. Fobert for the Catcher movie montage. Then we had a nice discussion of some golden lines. Homework is to write the "Modern-day Holden" assignment and continue with the reading (through Ch. 17 for Tuesday).

Period 7: Shakespeare
We began with a few notes on tragedy. (And a slice of pizza...thanks Yuriy and Marty.) Then we began watching a film version of Macbeth-- some interesting color and religious symbolism. No homework. We'll continue with the play next week.


Extra Credit #2 Winners!

Audrey Stroh
Jordan Snyder
Cody Sharp
Marissa Lemus
Ana Rosa Aispuro
Ke'Arah Tate
Chloe Bosnar
Julie Brink
Scott Weidlich
(and maybe one more...)

"A" day - 10/1/08

Period 1: Freshmen
Today was a late start, so we were short on time and fit a lot in to the period. First, we finished our discussion of "social capital." Then, in groups, students looked at some Depression Era photos and drew some conclusions about life at that time period. Then, we read the first two pages of Of Mice and Men and highlighted all the sensory language. Homework is to finish categorizing the language by sense (sight, sound, touch, etc.) and read the handout about Steinbeck (both sides) and be ready for a short quiz on Friday.

Period 5: AP Lit.
Vocabulary Quiz #2, to begin. Then we talked briefly about some liter4ary terms that you will be asked to know and use. We talked about the tone of Catcher (or, is it Cather...? and why are there random 4s?) This included a handout of tone words that may be helpful. Then, I introduced the idea of finding "Golden Lines" for each chapter of Catcher. The Golden Line you choose should be insightful, descriptive, significant, revealing, etc. Copy it down, include a page number, and a quick explanation of its importance. We will come back to these regularly. I gave a complete reading schedule for the next few weeks...hopefully you copied it down.

Period 7: Shakespeare
One question quiz to begin, "Fly, Fleance, fly..." (poor kid!) Then we had a lovely reenactment of Act 3, scene 4. Chris hallucinates as Macbeth and Sarah floats in as Banquo's ghost. Well done to all of our actors! Homework is to read to the end of Act III and update all your golden lines.
p.s. Good job, Andrew, on rocking the state reading test. And, Happy Birthday to Roger!