
3/18(A) & 3/19(B)

Daily Quiz #2, Daily #11 and SSR.
Then, handed out and discussed Sentence Stretchers and wrote 1 sentence stories.

AP Lit:
Watched random Hamlet YouTube clips. (Oh, Minkus...) Finished up soliloquies. Discussed all the big, philosophical and crazy ideas of R&G are dead and Hamlet. (Does it make your brain hurt?) (Oh yeah, thanks for joining us in 8th period Joel and Brittany!)
HW: Refine your essay and read Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller. (It's in your anthology, or you can find it at any bookstore or library).

Began reading Act 4 of Macbeth. (The apparitions make Macbeth pretty confident...we know he shouldn't be. And the death count grows!

3/16(A) & 3/17(B)

Daily #10. Turn in Narrative Final Drafts. Found poetry using lines from narratives.

AP Lit:
Tragedy Test

Finish word tracing assingment from last week. Turn this in. Watch more Macbeth film. (Oh no, watch out Banquo!)

3/11 (A) & 3/12 (B)

TEST!!! (Literary Terms and Short Stories)
HW: Final draft of narrative. Typed. MLA format. Well-edited. Due Mon./Tues.

AP Lit:
Finished Hamlet. Watched Simpsons. A few soliloquys. Checked out R&G are Dead.
HW: Study for test on Mon./Tues. It will ask about characteristics of tragedy, Greek and Shakespearean theater, Oedipus and Hamlet. Short answer and essay. The kind of test where, hopefully, your hand and your brain will hurt when you're finished.
Also, you need to finish reading R&G are Dead, taking notes on it, and write a rough draft of your Hamlet/R&G essay by next Wed./Thurs.

Spent part of the period tracing a word through Acts 1-3 (hands, night, sleep or water), then you will need to make observations about its meaning and associations. We also began watching a Macbeth film. We'll continue with both of these next week.


3/9(A) & 3/10(B)

Finish up any last thoughts, questions, etc. for literary terms and short story unit. We will be having a test over these things on Wednesday and Thursday. Know the definitions of, and be able to give an example of the literary elements we've been discussing.

AP Lit:
Discuss and read the final scenes of Hamlet. Wednesday will be soliloquy day. And, we'll watch some Hamlet fun. Next week, on Monday and Tuesday, we will be having a test on elements of tragedy, Oedipus and Hamlet.

As a class, we finished tracing references to "blood" from Macbeth so far. The assignment with this was to respond to the following: What patterns do you notice in the blood references? How has the meaning of "blood" changed throughout the course of the play? Then, we finished reading 3.5 and 3.6 and had few minutes to update golden lines before the assembly. Next class we will follow this same sort of process for night, hands, sleep or water.


A few reminders...

AP Test registration deadline is next Wednesday, 3/11. Money and paperwork to bookkeeper. Fee waivers to Mr. Phillips.

Also, freshmen, we'll be having our Short Story and Literary Terms test next Wed/Thurs. Be ready.

3/5 (A) and 3/6 (B)

Daily #9 and SSR.
Highlight Narrative rough drafts with 5 different colors for: Dialogue, Blocking, Setting Description, Character Description and Figurative Language. Turn these in to Mrs. P.
Read "Handsomest Drowned Man in the World" and worked on a few questions about the story. These will be finished up and discussed next class.

AP Lit:
Discussed Act 4 of Hamlet: lots of references to themes and motifs discussed last time, Ham vs. Fort vs. Laertes, how many times must Ham be inspired to action?, where does Gert's loyalty lie? Is she as naive as Ophelia?, is Claud an evil genius or just evil?, why does Ham tell Claud he's back?, what is the time line of all this?

Read 3.3 and 3.4.
Stage direction ideas for 3.4.
Began our bloody interrupted by fire alarm. Will continue collecting the blood next time.


3/3 (A)

Same as yesterday. See the posting for 3/2.

AP Lit:
Quick final look at end of 3.4. What must Gertrude think? Is the ghost real this time? Can we be sure of anything in this play? Brainstorm examples of themes and motifs from Hamlet so far. Important lines and speeches.
HW: Finish reading Act 4 and Act 5, scene 1. Study guide...

Update golden lines and oxymorons. Finished reading Act 2 and began Act 3. Horses are eating each other. A hit has been ordered on Banquo and Fleance. Macbeth is using all of Lady Macbeth's techniques for persuasion and evil. Where will it all end?

3/2 (B)

Sorry I wasn't with you today, but I was caring for my sick family...we've all been passing this cold around. Hopefully, it's almost over. I trust you had a fine day with Mr. Ramsten.

English 9:
Daily #8 and SSR. Share narrative rough drafts. Review "Elements of Fiction" handout-- expecially dialogue, blocking, setting and character description and figurative language.
HW: Narrative draft #2, inlcuding all the things listed above.

AP Lit:
Read/review/discuss Hamlet 3.4.
HW: 4.1 through 4.5 and study guide.