

Checked your Ch. 2 study guides for homework credit, then we spent some time reading and reviewing them together.
HW: Nada.

AP Lit:
I handed back your character essays as well as a key to understand my notations when I score your papers. Then we spent a few minutes talking about and reviewing your Expectation Essays that you have rough drafts of. If you need any additional help on these, bring your questions tomorrow or come visit with me during conferences.
HW: Be ready to talk about the end of Catcher tomorrow.



Homework check for OMAM study guide #1. Then, we discussed the homework.
HW: Study vocab. Bring your SSR book!

AP Lit:
Reading quiz #2 (through Ch. 23)
Then, we discussed a bunch of things: Gatsby, Holden's ice skates, the ducks and fish, disappearing, the sadness of it all...and Phoebe.
HW: Vocab quiz tomorrow. For Monday you need to finish the book and write a rough draft of your essay.



So, despite the story Mr. Robertson told you, I actually stayed home sick yesterday. Here's a recap of both Tuesday and Wednesday.

10/19: Guided close reading of first few paragraphs in Of Mice and Men-- noting sensory language, imagery, adjectives, metaphors, etc.
10/20: Reviewed yesterday's conclusions and added ideas about tone and sound devices and how sentence structure can mirror the content of the passage. Then, we went and checked out copies of the novel so you could complete your reading homework.
HW: Read Chapter 1 in Of Mice and Men and complete the study guide and the handout about dialogue vs. narration.

AP Lit:
10/19: In small groups you discussed some study questions, took notes on your findings and handed these in to Mr. Robertson. (Also, apparently, period 6 was "bright and shiny.")
10/20: I handed out your essay topic, (this would be the Comparative Essay listed on your reading schedule.) Start brainstorming ideas and putting together a rough draft as you finish up reading the novel. Dues dates are on your calendars and the handout. Then we discussed some more about Catcher, mainly about what Holden is doing with Sally, what he really wants and why he references the literature that he does. Tomorrow we'll delve deeper into his visit with Phoebe.



New vocab words were given, grammar on this weeks quiz will be a review of all we have talked about so far.
Took a timed quiz over the reading you were to finish for homework. Only 30 minutes were given. Finally, you turned in your dialogue journal and Migrant Mother writing from last week.

AP Lit:
New vocab words, then a 20 minute timed essay on Chapter 16 of Catcher was given. I collected your writing and we just began to discuss some of your ideas. We'll continue our discussion of Chs. 16-20 tomorrow.



We took our weekly Vocab Quiz and had some time for SSR. Also, I handed out the instructions for your SSR book projects.
HW: Finish reading the packet about "The Migrant Experience" and complete 10 dialogue journal entries. (Make sure you read and pay attention to all of the information as there might be a little quiz about it on Monday.)

AP Lit:
We took our weekly vocab quiz and then spent some time discussing Catcher.
HW: You need to read through Ch. 20 for Monday.



We began reading a packet of information about The Migrant Experience during The Great Depression, to add some context to the photographs we began looking at on Tuesday. As you are reading you should be keeping a dialogue journal that includes at least 10 entries. This will be due on Monday. Follow the link above, to finish reading this collection of sources.
HW: Vocab quiz and SSR tomorrow. Reading and dialogue journal due on Monday.

AP Lit:
I collected your Modern Day Holden stories and several of you in each class shared. Thanks for your willingness to read your work to us, they were all great! Then we continued discussing Catcher and filing out our charts on the whiteboard. We'll continue with this tomorrow.
HW: Vocab quiz tomorrow!



Today was "Future Options" day and Explore testing. Since the whole school schedule was janky, there is little to update you on, except that I finally found some time to enter some grades into Esis, so if you have access to Parent-Assist and are curious about your progress you can check online.

10/12 /10

We looked at and discussed and "read" some Dorothea Lange photographs. Then, your job was to "write the story" of, or that might correlate to the photo entitled "Migrant Mother."
HW: "Migrant Mother" stories due on Thurs.

AP Lit:
We began filling up the whiteboard with thoughts and observations about Catcher. Especially, motifs and more development of Holden's character (through his likes and dislikes).
HW: Modern Day Holden writing assignment is due on Thurs. and reading through Ch. 15. Vocab quiz on Friday, as usual.



New vocabulary words, review of there/their/they're and then a look at the RHS Code of Conduct.

AP Lit:
New vocab words. Your first reading quiz. Explanation of "Modern Day Holden" creative writing assignment, which is due on Thursday.
HW: Be ready to discuss Catcher tomorrow, especially the topics, people and ideas that seem to be cropping up repeatedly.


Week of 10/4 through 10/6

Well, this was a crazy week. Not only was it short because of inservice days, but in AP Lit we lost a day through counselor meetings, and to top it off, I had jury duty. So our class schedule got a little hectic and convoluted, to say the least. Nonetheless, here is the run-down of what happened in class, in case you missed it.

 10/4 and 10/5: Groups presented the posters you made last week and we discussed the various aspects of "Hunters in the Snow." This served as a review to prepare you for the test.

10/6: Short Story and Literary Terms Test 

AP Lit:
10/4: We looked at some "Bartleby" essay rough drafts and talked about some writing and editing issues. This was in preparation for your first solo essay that was due on Wed. We also talked for a few minutes about our first impressions of Holden Caulfield and made a list of his traits, so far.

10/5: Most classes (all but period 6) met with counselors to review transcripts, etc. We also went over the RHS Code of Conduct and talked about Future Options Day next Wed.

10/6: Period 6 met with counselors today so the rest of you had time to read, get ahead in Catcher and, of course, you were supposed to have turned in your Character Description Essays to Mr. Robertson.


Hooray for Fridays! We took our Vocabugrammar quiz then had a few minutes for SSR.
HW: Nope. Have  a good weekend.

AP Lit:
Turned in rough drafts of your Bartleby essays.
Received a reading schedule through the end of this 9 weeks. (Follow this link, or see the link on the left if you missed this.)
Went and checked out The Catcher in the Rye from the book depository.
HW: Read through Ch. 4 in Catcher for Monday. You should be taking notes on the reading as you should always be doing, but in addition you should be collecting "golden lines." These are lines or passages for each chapter that you think hold some special importance or significance-- like the line or phrase or paragraph that is the key to understanding each chapter fully.