

Journal #9
Finish reading pgs. 49-76 of the Odyssey and questions.
Book talks
HW: Start reviewing for next Thursday's test over all the Greek Mythology stuff we've been learning about.

AP Lit:
Attempted to fill up the whiteboard again with the connections you made yesterday between Hamlet and D.O.aS.
HW: Tomorrow and Friday is the test on the TRAGEDY stuff we've been talking about for most of this 9 weeks. Review all your notes, study questions, etc. and be read to write.



We continued on with Book Talks today. Be ready on the day you are scheduled and we'll finish these up next week.
Then, we began working on reading pgs. 49-71 in the red version of The Odyssey. We will continue with this reading and answering the questions in class tomorrow.
HW: Greek Mythology/Odyssey test will be next Thursday. Start reviewing your notes and assignments!

AP Lit:
In groups, you began a discussion comparing Hamlet with Death of a Salesman. The goal being to find as many similarities as you can within the plays-- plot, characters, themes, images, symbols, etc. We will report out and continue working on this tomorrow...(and we might just add in Oedipus too.)
HW: We will be having a test over Tragedy on Thursday and Friday. You should know the characteristics of Aristotelian tragedy, the differences between Greek and Shakespearean theater, and of course, you should know the details of the plays we've read. The format will be one short answer and one essay question on each day.


3/17 - 3/19/2010

Well, as you know if you were at school at all, I was out sick ALL week. And, I still don't feel good. Hopefully, I'm up and healthy soon. Sorry about the craziness this caused right before break.

You read all of Part 1 or The Odyssey, worked on a handout related to it, did some Book Talks and took this week's Vocab quiz.

Something interesting I ran across. Remember the article we read about the Stanley Milgram experiments? Check this out. Sounds familiar doesn't it?

AP Lit:
You finished reading Hamlet, wrote an in class essay about it on Thursday, took your vocab quiz and recited soliloquies.

HW for AP LIT: Your homework (to be completed by Tuesday of the week we return to school) is to read the play Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller. You can find it in your anthology, or at almost any library or bookstore. As you read it, think about how it does or does not fit the definition of tragedy we've been talking about.


3/15 and 3/16/2010

I was home sick on Monday 3/15, so here is the update for both Monday and Tuesday.

3/15- Book talks, new vocabulary, reviewed notes on Epics and began The Odyssey.
3/16- Book talks, recapped the reading from yesterday, began the story of the Cyclops.

AP Lit:
3/15- New vocabulary, then reviewed/ discussed some Hamlet with the sub. (Who apparently REALLY loves Shakespeare...)
3/16- After a few soliloquy recitations, we discussed a few issues: Is Ophelia's death an accident or a suicide? Why didn't the queen do anything to stop her? Why does Gertrude continue to defend Claudius? How awesomely manipulative is Claudius? How does Laertes contrast Hamlet? And, why does Hamlet tell Claudius he's home? Then we read the first page of 5.1 with the gravedigger clowns...
HW: Have the soliloquy memorized by Friday. Before, if you aren't going to be here.



We had a few Book Talks in some classes today. (Good job to all!)
Then, we had both a vocabulary quiz and the Greek Roots test. (Congrats to period 7 for being the big winner of most 100%s on vocab!)
HW: Keep working on SSR books and preparing for Book Talks. Be ready on your assigned day.

AP Lit:
We took the weekly vocab quiz, then before talking a little about Act 4 (in 3rd period) added some heaven/hell, and disease/contagion Hamlet quotes to the white board, which is now completely full of Hamlet-y goodness.
HW: Finish reading Act 4 and work on this new study guide.



Journal #7: What's on your mind right now?
Review/discuss Trojan War work we've been doing.
HW: Study for tomorrow's vocabulary quiz and Greek Roots test.

AP Lit:
Filled up the whiteboard with themes and motifs.
HW: Read Act 4, scenes 1 through 4 and do the study guide for tomorrow. Also,your vocab quiz is tomorrow too.



Journal #6- If you were Paris, who would you have given the golden apple to? Why?
Homework check.
Homer and the Epic notes, from pages 804-806 in the Glencoe text.
Make a chart of Greeks and Trojans- include who was fighting for each side (including gods) and a brief description of each person's involvement.
HW: Study for vocab quiz and Greek Roots test on Friday.

AP Lit:
Golden lines from Acts 2 & 3
Discussed 3.4 a bit.
HW: Stupid printer wouldn't work, so I couldn't make study guide copies for you. Although, if you'd like to get a head start you can start reading Act 4 and print your own study guide.



Today we talked about Unforgettable #6 (their, there and they're). You each wrote a sentence that included all 3 used correctly and we looked at them on the projector. Then we discussed last week's stories for a few minutes-- especially the purposes of each. We finished with an excerpt of reading about the Trojan War and a handout with reading questions. These will be due tomorrow.
HW: Read the Trojan War packet and answer the questions I handed out. Also, be studying for Vocab quiz and Greek Roots test on Friday.

AP Lit:
Turned in rough drafts of essay about Hamlet film clips. Then I gave you a study guide for the end of Act 3 and the rest of the period to work on reading and completing it.
HW: Look back through Act 3 and add to your theme/motif notes. Be ready to discuss specific examples tomorrow. Keep working on memorizing the 3.1 soliloquy. We'll present these at the end of next week.



Copied down new vocabulary words and last 10 Greek Roots. We will have quizzes on both of these things on Friday. The, assigned dates for your book talks. Be ready on your day!
HW: Read in your SSR books, begin preparing your Book Talk. Study for Friday's quizzes.

AP Lit:
Copied new vocabulary words. Began reading 3.3 and 3.4 together.
HW: Rough draft of 3.1 comparison essay due tomorrow.



Vocab quiz #4.2
Finished and turned in Map of the Underworld (15 details from Orpheus' story)
A bit of time for SSR.
HW: Read your SSR book and begin preparing your Book Talk. We will begin assigning presentation dates next week.

AP Lit:
Vocab quiz 4.2
Finished watching the 3.1 Hamlet clips (the last part of Gibson, then Branagh and Hawke)-- see yesterday's post for links, if you need to view them.
HW: Begin working on the rough draft of an essay in which you evaluate the various interpretations of 3.1 that we watched. Which acting and directorial choices are most effective? Why? Rough draft will be due on Tuesday.



Turned in homework (Unforgettable Paragraph #1)
Finished up on Prometheus, Pandora and Phaethon.
Read Orpheus and began drawing a map of the Underworld on which you must include and label at least 15 different people, locations or objects from the story.
HW: Study your vocab-- quiz is tomorrow. Bring your SSR book to class too.

AP Lit:
Continued watching clips of Hamlet productions (we got through 1/2 of Mel Gibson's performance). If you were absent, or just want to watch them again, the links are posted below.
HW: Vocab quiz tomorrow

Richard Burton (1964):

Derek Jacobi (1980):
Part 1
Part 2

Kevin Kline (1990):

Mel Gibson (1990):
Part 1 (from 8:50)
Part 2

Kenneth Branagh (1996):
Part 1
Part 2

...and the very different "modern" interpretation
Ethan Hawke (2000):
Part 1
Part 2



More roots
Continued work on "Heroes, Gods and Monsters" assignment from yesterday.
HW: Unforgettable Paragraph #1: Write a paragraph about the Greek Mythology we've been studying. In your paragraph, make at least 10 mistakes that break the Unforgettables.

AP Lit:
Discussed and turned in "The play's the thing" assignment from yesterday.
Began watching clips of Hamlet 3.1. We'll continue watching and noting observations tomorrow.



5 more Greek Roots
We began working on the Heroes, Gods and Monsters assignment: read Prometheus, Pandora and Phaethon, then 1) write a brief summary of the story, 2) identify the specific purpose(s) of story, and 3) explain what the story reinforces or shows about the 14 Olympian gods and goddesses we've already talked about.

AP Lit:
I checked and gave credit for Act 3 study guide. Then you worked on this assignment: The play's the thing. This is due on Wednesday if you didn't get it done in class.



5 more Greek Roots
New vocabulary words
Unforgettable #5: Do not use contractions in formal writing
Notes on Hermes and Dionysus.

AP Lit:
New vocabulary words
Turn in paraphrased soliloquies
What do we need to read/discuss about Hamlet?