
Extra Credit #5!

4th Annual Thanksgiving Haiku Extravaganza!

For the last several years, I have asked students to compose their best Thanksgiving Haiku. If you're not familiar with haiku, it's a Japanese poetry form that is made, simply, of three lines. The first line must contain five syllables, the second line must contain 7 syllables, and the third line must contain 5 syllables again.

For your extra credit points, you may submit up to five of your very own creative Thanksgiving haiku. Think turkey, stuffing, yams, pie, football, family, fun and get your creative juices (and saliva) flowing. As always, email your entries with your full name and period number included.

Here are a few Mrs. Peterson originals to inspire you:

Turkey, turkey, yum!
I love you most with mustard.
Sandwiches all week.
Mashed potato pool,
filled to the brim with gravy.
Let me dive right in.
Happy Haiku-ing!

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