
Extra Credit #3

So, I'm switching things up a little bit here. Can you handle it? These points can be earned until 4:00 pm next Thursday, October 23rd.

If you are a FRESHMAN in Mrs. Peterson's class, email your thoughtful and complete answer to the following question to Mrs. Peterson to collect your points!

In Chapter 3 of Of Mice and Men, what is the purpose of the conversation between Whit and Slim about Bill Tenner's letter being published in the magazine? In other words, why would Steinbeck include that little episode in the story? What does it add?
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If you are a JUNIOR or SENIOR in Mrs. Peterson's class, complete the following task for your extra credit points.

Go to and take the "Murderous Monarchs quiz." Then, send me an email in which you: list the monarchs from the quiz, one interesting (or disturbing) fact about each and the score you received. (I only scored 4 out of 10...)

Happy Extra Credit-ing!

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