
"A" day -- 10/30/08

Period 1: Freshmen
SSR then OMAM movie.

Period 5: AP Lit.
Discussion of "A Modest Proposal", some satire terms, a few articles on Voltaire and an intro. to Candide. We even had a few minutes to read chapter 1 together.
HW: Read half of Candide by Monday, be finished by Wednesday. Be noting thoughts about discussion questions as you read.

Period 7: Shakespeare
You should have showed Mrs. Peterson a rough draft of your movie review and began work on your Lady Macbeth rough draft (would Macbeth have gone through with any of it if it weren't for Lady Macbeth?). I also handed back Macbeth tests and printed grades. Make sure you are getting your rough drafts completed...they are worth a lot of points.

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