
"A" day - 10/1/08

Period 1: Freshmen
Today was a late start, so we were short on time and fit a lot in to the period. First, we finished our discussion of "social capital." Then, in groups, students looked at some Depression Era photos and drew some conclusions about life at that time period. Then, we read the first two pages of Of Mice and Men and highlighted all the sensory language. Homework is to finish categorizing the language by sense (sight, sound, touch, etc.) and read the handout about Steinbeck (both sides) and be ready for a short quiz on Friday.

Period 5: AP Lit.
Vocabulary Quiz #2, to begin. Then we talked briefly about some liter4ary terms that you will be asked to know and use. We talked about the tone of Catcher (or, is it Cather...? and why are there random 4s?) This included a handout of tone words that may be helpful. Then, I introduced the idea of finding "Golden Lines" for each chapter of Catcher. The Golden Line you choose should be insightful, descriptive, significant, revealing, etc. Copy it down, include a page number, and a quick explanation of its importance. We will come back to these regularly. I gave a complete reading schedule for the next few weeks...hopefully you copied it down.

Period 7: Shakespeare
One question quiz to begin, "Fly, Fleance, fly..." (poor kid!) Then we had a lovely reenactment of Act 3, scene 4. Chris hallucinates as Macbeth and Sarah floats in as Banquo's ghost. Well done to all of our actors! Homework is to read to the end of Act III and update all your golden lines.
p.s. Good job, Andrew, on rocking the state reading test. And, Happy Birthday to Roger!

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