
Week of 9/28 to 10/2

Oh, dear! What a crazy week. Sorry, for the lack of updates but, like so many students and colleagues right now, I was home sick for most of this week. So, in an effort to get us all organized and back on track, here is the recap of this week and a bit of a look ahead. Hopefully, we'll all get healthy soon and remain that way.

Honors Freshmen:
Monday 9/28-- Took Literary Terms Test

Tuesday 9/29-- Looked at photos/slides and talked about the 1930's, the Great Depression, background for reading Of Mice and Men.
HW: Read the handout on Steinbeck and the historic context and be ready for a quiz over it

Wednesday 10/1-- Quiz over the Steinbeck handout. Checked out Of Mice and Men (OMaM) from the bookroom. Read the first few pages together noticing the descriptive elements of writing.
HW: Write a short descriptive piece of writing (2 or 3 paragraphs) that describes a favorite place using lots of sensory details.

Thursday 10/2-- Students selected and shared their favorite sentence or phrase from their writing. Then, began reading Chapter 1 OMaM.
HW: Finish reading Chapter 1 and complete the study guide.

Friday 10/3-- Vocabulary Quiz #2 (every Friday!) and then SSR time (again, every Friday we'll do this too.)
HW: Read Chapter 2 OMaM and complete the study guide.

Next week we'll continue our study of the novel...answer questions, discuss study guides, etc.

PLEASE, if you choose to read ahead in the novel, DO NOT RUIN THE BOOK FOR SOMEONE ELSE by blurting out significant events that they haven't gotten to yet. That's not nice or fair to others. If you read ahead and can't contain yourself and just have to talk about it, come talk to me, I know how it ends already!

AP Literature
Monday 9/28--Assigned "Bartleby" group essay, divided into groups, organized tasks.

Tuesday through Thursday-- work time for essay writing, revising, editing, etc.

Friday 10/2-- Vocabulary quiz #2, and finally, I had a chance to check in with each group on their paper. Thanks for the papers I got today. Most of the rest of you should have yours done by Monday. If that is not the case, I expect a status report on Monday.

Next week, we'll jump back into some literature with a little Catcher in the Rye. So, if you wanted to purchase your own copy of this novel to use, try to track one down by Monday. If not, we'll head to the bookroom to check them out early next week.

I really hope everyone has a great weekend and gets healthy or stays healthy. Thanks for your flexibility with having a sick teacher!

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