Finished reading and discussing Act 4 of R & J, began Act 5.
HW: Vocab quiz tomorrow & SSR. SSR Book Project #3 will be due next Wednesday. Also, we will be having a R & J test next Wednesday and Thursday.
AP Lit:
Turned in practice AP Test Multiple Choice scantrons.
Returned and reviewed Timed Essay #7 about Trifles and Jury of Her Peers. We looked at the two strongest student examples together.
HW: Tomorrow we'll take a vocab quiz, go over the correct answers to the mult. choice questions and then have some time to review and discuss any questions or issues from Act 3 of Hamlet.
On Monday you'll write an in-class essay about this topic:
Considering the importance and purpose of Act 3, scene 1 to the development of the plot and characters of Hamlet, which stage or film adaptation that we watched is the most effective? Why? Discuss specific performance details and how the strongest performances demonstrate the important elements of this scene within the context of the play.
Some Hamlet resources you might find helpful:
Remember that your essay is not just about your opinion. It is about which interpretation/performance best supports your understanding of the scene's action and characters in context of the whole play. If you're looking for resources to help with your overall understanding of the whole play, I really recommend visiting Shmoop.
Or, one person's simplified "modern language" interpretation of the whole play can be found here.
Or, just for fun, and a refresher on the letter B, try this.