
4/21(A) & 4/22(B)

Finish The Odyssey Part 1.
Read pgs. 49-76 in the red Odyssey and answer questions on projector.
HW: Keep working on SSR and projects. Don't wait until the last weeks of school.

AP Lit:
Review "The Snake" AP multiple choice selection
Some more terms: sound devices, scansion and rhyme
Look at a few poems together.
HW: Read in Ch. 13-- "Mr. Flood's Party," "Church Going," "Sonrisas," "The Victims," "The Dance," and "Ode to the West Wind." Then, answer #3 on page 539 thoroughly but informally, (your answer doesn't necessarily have to look like an "essay" as suggested in the prompt.)

Begin "The Taming of the Shrew" and turn in Animated Macbeth review.


Taylor said...

You haven't updated the homework Mrs. Peterson... how am I supposed to do my homework now? I guess I can't. Oh well.

Mrs. Peterson said...

Good thing there was no specific new homework. Maybe YOU should have used that time to catch up on old work...